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  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Increases blood circulation

    Richway Amethyst Biomat - Increases blood circulation

    When the inner body temperature is elevated, the blood vessels become pliable and widened.
    Then the blood can get through easily.
    Since blood brings in nutrients and oxygen, and take out wastes and toxins, one would be healthier with a better blood circulation. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Improves muscle tone and skin quality

    Richway Amethyst Biomat - Improves muscle tone and skin quality

    Have you seen your own complexion when you are out of sauna or after you are done with exercise? Your skin tone is even, clear and bright. It's because your blood circulation was good enough to take out toxins and provide nutrients and oxygen to the blood vessels.
    Your skin will be just like that after a session on Amethyst biomat or Ceragem. You will look relaxed and peaceful like a baby and your skin will be translucent and even rosy. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat – Produces Endorphin in the body

    Richway Amethyst Biomat – Produces Endorphin in the body

    You probably heard about Endorphin, a morphine-like substance made in the body. Endorphin will be released when you laugh hard or when you are at the peak of pain. Have you heard of runner's high? The first 30 minutes of running is the hardest part, but after 30 minutes threshold, one will feel so good that he or she will want to keep running. That's because of Endorphin.
    Study shows that Inserting acupuncture needles into specific body points triggers the production of Endorphin. Lying on an Amethyst mat at high temperature for 45 minutes will produce heat shock protein which produces Endorphin. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Relieves anxiety and promotes relaxation

    Relieves anxiety and promotes relaxation

    I have always noticed that after a session on the Richway Amethyst biomat or Ceragem people look so peaceful and beautiful. They have such complacent and innocent looks on their faces.
    On the scientific side, study shows that one hour daily session on the Amethyst biomat has reduced stress hormone such as Cortisol by 78%. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Reduces Stress and relives anxiety

    Richway Amethyst Biomat - Reduces Stress and relives anxiety

    Amethyst biomat is one of the products which can be used by anyone to relax the body and clean the internal wastage like the acidic material which produces every time when one eat, drink, walk and even sleep. The acidic material needs to be removed as it affects your sleep and may cause some disease sometimes. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Provides warm, soothing pain relief

    Provides warm, soothing pain relief

    Doctor prescribes morphine to a patient in extreme pain, but do you know your body can make morphine-like substance? It's called Endorphin. Endorphin will be released when you laugh hard or when you are at the peak of pain. Have you heard of runner's high? The first 30 minutes of running is the hardest part, but after 30 minutes' threshold, one will feel so happy or euphoric that he or she will want to keep running. That's because of Endorphin.
    Study shows that Inserting acupuncture needles into specific body points also triggers the production of Endorphin. Lying on an Amethyst mat at high temperature for 45 minutes will do the same thing. Your body will produce heat shock protein which then produces Endorphin. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Burns calories and controls weight

    Richway Amethyst Biomat - Burns calories and controls weight

    When one becomes stressful, stress hormone such as cortisol is released from our body. Then fat is produced to surround cortisol in order to protect our body from harmful cortisol, That's why one gains weight under stress. Daily sessions on Amethyst biomat and Ceragem make one relaxed and less stressful. And gone is the cortisol and the surrounding fat. You will lose only a few pounds, but will notice that your clothes become loose. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Improves immune system function

    Richway Amethyst Biomat - Improves immune system function

    You may want to thank fever when you have a cold for helping fight off infection.
    Having fever is uncomfortable for sure, but the elevated body temperature strengthens your immune system and can fight off bad bacteria and viruses. Even cold blooded animals seek for warm places when they are sick.
    Both Amethyst Biomat and Ceragem uses far infrared ray from either Amethyst or Jade. The infrared ray penetrates the body, triggers Mitrochondria and helps raise the body temperature from inside out. For more information visit us at and

  • Richway Amethyst Biomat - Eliminates toxins in the body

    Richway Amethyst Biomat - Eliminates toxins in the body

    We take in food and take out the wastes. If either of them does not function well, we will die.
    What happens if we cannot take out all the wastes every day?
    When we eat junk food, breath in toxic substances, or eat too much, the wastes will be accumulated in our body and become toxic.
    Then how can you take out toxins? There are many ways, and one of the ways is to drink lots of water. Drinking tea is a good way to expedite the flushing out process.

    Amethyst biomat and Ceragem help blood circulate till to the ends of body parts such as toes and finger tips. They will also make the blood circulate faster and take out toxins out. Good blood circulation is the key to good health. For more information visit us at and

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